How can you prepare for your garage door and/or garage door opener installation to help ensure a smooth professional installation? There are several simple steps you can take that will make it much easier for you and the installation crew. At Overhead Door Co. of Central Jersey, we ask our customers to consider the following items prior to their scheduled installation.
How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Garage Door Installation
The very first step is to be sure the garage is clear. There cannot be any vehicles in the garage. Please also be sure to park any vehicles in a fashion that allows the installation vehicle to back near the garage door opening. Be sure your cars are far enough out of the way to allow the installer clear access to the area around his or her truck without risking damage to your vehicle.
In addition to having the vehicles out of the work area, you should be sure any yard equipment, sports equipment, garbage cans or other items in the area of the garage doors and garage door tracks has been moved to the rear of the garage. A good rule of thumb for an ordinary residential garage door is to have at least one foot on each side of the door track and fourteen feet back into the garage clear. This allows room for the installer to set up a ladder, remove the existing door and opener system and set up and assemble the new door and opener system.
If you have pets – please be sure your pet is in a safe place during the time of the installation. All too often customers will allow their pets to roam while the installation is under way. This can be dangerous for both the installer and the pet – even when the pet is super friendly. It is easy to trip over a pet, the installer may drop something or the pet might find something interesting to chew on that may in fact be dangerous.
Children should also be kept at a safe distance from the work area. It is natural for children to be curious. Our installers are always friendly and helpful. Most installers will cheerfully answer a question or show special tools to curious children, if time permits. This being said, the installer has time constraints and needs to be sure the work area is safe for not only themselves but for the residents of the home. Children cannot be playing in the garage area during the installation. Removal and installation of your garage door includes items under spring tension, heavy items, overhead items and hand & power tools. This being the case, the only people that should be in the garage or the area of the installation vehicle are the installation team.
Put some thought into the location for wall consoles or keyless entry pads for your garage door. The standard location for the wall console is next to the personnel door that enters the garage, on the garage side of the wall. The exterior keyless entry pad would normally be installed on the left side exterior jamb of the garage door nearest to the personnel door into the garage, roughly five feet above the ground. If you would like a special location please be sure the salesperson and the installer are aware to be sure your controls are mounted in your preferred location.
If you have a vehicle that features a built in garage door remote control (i.e. Homelink) and would like your installer to program this for you, please plan to have that vehicle available at the time of installation. This will prevent the inconvenience and extra charges that might be the result of an additional trip.
Thank you for doing your part to prepare for the installation of your new garage door system. Your installer or installation team will truly appreciate that you took a few moments to follow these simple suggestions. They will be able contact Overhead Door Co. of Central Jersey at 908-722-5785 to work efficiently without risking damage to anything in your garage and they will be able to work more safely.
To learn more about garage doors, garage door openers or to clarify questions surrounding the installation process you can, visit our showroom at 952 Route 202 South in Branchburg, NJ, or visit us on the web at