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Garage Door Safety Month | Overhead Door Co. of Central Jersey

By Blog Master on 17 May 2024 In Overhead Door Company, Overhead Door Company of Central Jersey, Garage Doors in New Jersey, Secure Your Garage Door, Garage Door Safety Measures, Garage Door Safety Month

As May rolls around, so does an important initiative for homeowners and garage enthusiasts alike – Garage Door Safety Month. At Overhead Door Company of Central Jersey, we are dedicated to promoting awareness about the importance of garage door safety and empowering our community to prioritize the well-being of their families and properties. Investing time in this effort not only ensures the safety of your family and property but also saves you from potentially costly repairs down the road. Join us in this month-long campaign as we explore the essentials of garage door safety and share valuable insights to keep your residential garage doors safe and functional.

White-Logo-1-1Photo Credit: IDA (International Door Association)

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The Vital Role of Garage Doors in Our Daily Lives

Garage doors aren’t just entry points into our homes; They are an integral part of our daily lives. From providing security to enhancing curb appeal, residential garage doors serve multiple purposes. However, their large size and intricate mechanisms can be potentially dangerous if not properly maintained. Garage Door Safety Month is a reminder for homeowners to prioritize routine inspections and maintenance to ensure safety features are in top condition.

Safety Checklist

Overhead Door Company of Central Jersey encourages you to use Garage Door Safety Month as an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive safety check of your garage doors. Here’s a checklist to guide you through the process:

✔ Visual inspection: Inspect doors, frames, and gutters for signs of wear, tear, or any damage.

✔ Balance test: Test the balance of your garage door by disconnecting the opener and manually lifting the door halfway. A well-balanced door should stay in place.

✔ Sensor Performance: Verify that the photo-eye sensors are properly aligned and operating properly. They are responsible for preventing the door from closing if an object or a person is detected in the way.

✔ Auto-reverse test: Test the auto-reverse feature by placing an object (such as a folded paper towel) in the path of the door. The door should immediately reverse direction upon contact.

✔Opener Security: Update your garage door opener access codes to make sure you are safe from unauthorized access.

✔ Keep body parts and items away from the path of the garage door: Ensure safety by avoiding placing limbs and objects in the path of the garage door during its open-close operation to prevent injuries and potential damage.

IDA - Garage Door Safety Month 2024
Garage Door Safety Tips: Photo Credit IDA

Our Role at Overhead Door Company of Central Jersey

Our commitment to garage door safety goes beyond the scope of this month. At Overhead Door Company of Central Jersey, we offer professional inspections and repair services to ensure your garage doors meet the highest safety standards. Our experienced technicians can identify potential issues, make necessary repairs, and provide guidance on best practices for ongoing safety.

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Customizing Safety With Style

During garage door safety month, take the opportunity to not only enhance safety, but also to customize your residential garage doors according to your preferences. We provide a wide array of options, from diverse window designs to an extensive color palette. Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home while prioritizing safety.

z Carriage House Garage Door Custom DesignsGarage Door Custom Design

Garage Door Safety Month is a time to reflect on the importance of keeping our garage doors secure, functional, and stylish. Our team is here to support our community in achieving this goal. Join us in embracing garage door safety not just during this month, but throughout the year, ensuring your home remains a haven for you and your loved ones.

Require Additional Assistance?

Our team is available for support anytime! - Reach out to us at 908-509-6376, email us at, or submit an online request. We've been in business for over 50 years. It will be a pleasure to assist you! 

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