Vehicle Restraints
Loading Dock Equipment

Many forklift accidents occur every year that are caused by a truck prematurely departing from the dock or creeping away due to loading and unloading momentum. By installing a vehicle restraint in your facility, you can prevent accidents by securing a trailer to the dock and providing better communication between the truck driver and dock attendant.

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Hydraulic Vehicle Restraints Hydraulic Vehicle Restraints
✓ Non-impact, self-aligning, hydraulic restraint that is exterior mounted to the front of the loading dock.


Automatic Vehicle Restraints Automatic Vehicle Restraints
✓ Non-impact vehicle restraint
✓ Automatic vehicle restraints are designed to secure virtually all trucks at the loading dock by using a large rotating hook to engage a trailer’s rear impact guard (RIG).


Stop-Tite® Manual Vehicle Restraint Manual Vehicle Restraint
✓ Affordable
✓ Non-impact vehicle restraint
✓ Designed to secure a truck at the loading dock by engaging the rear impact guard with a large barrier.
✓ Easy to install and simple to operate
Inside and outside communications signs

We work with the best manufacturers in our country. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us. Our experts will be able to provide all the information that you need. 

Contact Us→ Suggested Page: Light Communication Systems for Your Loading Dock ←



Dock Levelers & Edge of Docks
→ Dock Seals & Dock Shelters
→ Dock DoorsSectional Doors or Roll-Up Doors
→ Loading Dock Bumpers
→ Vehicle/Truck Restraints
Loading Dock Safety Barriers 
→ Light Communication System for Loading Docks


Loading Dock Repairs
✓ Loading Dock Preventive Maintenance
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